What is RCE?

RCE is an Open Source distributed, workflow-driven integration environment. It is used by engineers and scientists to design and simulate complex systems (e.g., aircraft, ships, or satellites) by using and integrating their own design and simulation tools.
An overview about RCE and some of its application fields gives this survey article.
If you're interested in contributing to RCE please don't hesitate and contact us. The source code is distributed as a zip archive along with each release. We will provide general public access to our source code repository soon.
Follow us on for latest news concerning releases, talks, related science etc. Check our YouTube channel for screen casts and other nice stuff concerning RCE.

Cite us

If you use RCE in your research project, please cite either the software itself or our reference publication in SoftwareX:

Brigitte Boden, Jan Flink, Niklas Först, Robert Mischke, Kathrin Schaffert, Alexander Weinert, Annika Wohlan, and Andreas Schreiber. "RCE: an integration environment for engineering and science." SoftwareX 15 (2021): 100759. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2021.100759.

Brigitte Boden, Jan Flink, Robert Mischke, Kathrin Schaffert, Alexander Weinert, Annika Wohlan, and Andreas Schreiber. (2019). RCE (10.0.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3691675.

You can obtain the preprint of the SoftwareX-article from arXiV.

Work with us

We are always open to working together with users to extend RCE and to apply it to new use cases. For this, we often participate in collaborative research projects. Please contact us at rce@dlr.de.


Release 2.2.3


  • added automatic IP address detection for RCE clients, with fallback option (0006786, 0006843)
  • added support for placeholders and properties in JSON configuration files (0006818)
  • internal fixes and enhancements (0006849, 0006687)

Release 2.2.2


  • added support for xlsx files in Excel (0006760)
  • added jars related to apache.poi (0006759)
  • added common code base for tool wrappers (0006640)
  • added new RCE event log API (0006396)
  • added test libraries to target platform (0006777)
  • fixed: no dirty flag on changes when opening connection manager with context …